Stuðulsfreist fyri 1. ársfjórðing 2025
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Stuðulsfreist 1. september 2024
Ferafrásøgn frá workshop á barnasjónleikarafestivali í Litava
Ferðafrásøgn frá NEATA Networking Project 2023
Tann 10. til 12. oktober 2023 var forkvinnan í MÁF, Noomi Reinert, í Reykjavík í sambandi við verkætlanina “The NEATA Network Project” saman við umboðum fyri øll limalondini í NEATA. Verkætlanin, ið er stuðlað av Nordisk Culture Point, hevur vart í tvey ár, og tey hava møtst tríggjar ferðir í hesum tíðarskeiðinum.
Her er ferðafrásøgnin hjá Noomi Reinert frá ferðini í Íslandi:
Verkætlanin er nú komin á mál, og limalondini í NEATA, tey norðurlendsku/baltisku londini, hava styrkt felagsskapin og bygt á grundarlagið við fleiri samstarvsmøguleikum millum feløgini í avvarandi londunum. Eisini hava vit greinað tilgongdir til áhugaleik í teimum ymsu londunum.
Úrslitini av verkætlanini verða kunngjørd í næstum, og vit kunnu vissa allar limir felagsins, at fleiri spennandi tilboð eru í stoypiskeiðini, sum vit vóna, limirnir fara at taka væl ímóti. Og vónandi luttaka í.
Á myndini eru NEATA umboðini frá Danmark, Svøríki, Estlandi, Norra, Íslandi, Finnlandi, Litava, Latvia, og so Aled Rhys-Jones, forsetin í heimsfelagsskapinum fyri áhugaleik, AITA/IATA, sum valdi at luttaka í arbeiðsdøgunum saman við okkum.
Í Reykjavík vóru vit eisini boðin til móttøku hjá íslendska mentamálaráharranum, Lilja Alfreðsdóttir, har vit millum annað tosaðu um møguleikar, munir og líkheitir innan áhugaleik í londum okkara.
Niðanfyri sæst talan hjá íslendska mentamálaráharranum:
The North-European Amateur Theatre Alliance.
Dear guests, scholars of theatre, artists, thinkers and innovators.
As a Minister of Culture and Business Affairs in Iceland, it is an honor to address you here in Reykjavík. It is very gratifying to see the collaboration between North-European Amateur Theatre Alliance. Cooperation and learning from each other is the key for giving Amateur Theatre a Voice.
Theatre opens us up to experiencing different perspectives that we may not be aware of or contemplated. Theatre’s way of examining dialogue, monologue and character allows us to flex our empathy muscles.
You all know that Drama has strong multisensory aspect. I like to say that Drama is like a sandbox, an amazing space for learning and exploration, where all manner of adventures and creativity take place, either using only your bare hands or tools like shovels or plastic trucks. In other words, understanding theatre helps us understand what it means to be human.
We stand on the brink of a technological revolution that will fundamentally alter the way we live, work, and relate to one another, new skills and content areas are needed for all of us to succeed in this transformed future. Amateur theatre is a great outlet to practice and build creativity. It’s a safe space to learn problem-solving, challenge yourself and build better skills for creative thinking.
The more people involved in Amateur theatre – or Community theatre – the more creative-thinkers we have in the community. Amateur theatre is embedded in cultural heritage, and plays a part in many local and national heritages across the world.
And fortunately it plays a significant part in the cultural life of your nations. Because amateur theatre is successful and sustainable, providing a range of opportunities for people to develop their skills, and enjoy taking part, at all levels.
Good luck with the NEATA drama festival in Norway in 2024.
Thank you all and have a wonderful day and stay in Iceland.